Menu | Hotel & Caffe Silesia

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 Kolektiv Hotel&Caffe Silesia


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Our menu in English language



according to Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council

01 Cereals containing gluten - wheat (01a), rye (01b), barley (01c), oats (01d), spelt (01e), kamut (01f) or their hybrid varieties (01g) and products thereof
02 Crustaceans and products thereof
03 Eggs and products thereof
04 Fish and products thereof
05 Groundnut kernels (peanuts) and products thereof
06 Soya beans (soya) and products thereof
07 Milk and milk products (including lactose)
08 nuts - almonds (08a), hazelnuts (08b), walnuts (08c), cashew nuts (08d), pecans (08e), Brazil nuts (08f), pistachios (08g), macadamia nuts (08h) and products thereof
09 Celery and products thereof
10 Mustard and products thereof
11 Sesame seeds (sesame) and products thereof
12 Sulphur dioxide and sulphites in concentrations greater than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l, expressed as total SO2
13 Lupin and products thereof
14 Molluscs and products thereof

The numerical allergen codes listed on the menu correspond to the codes listed for the individual allergens that are required by current legislation to be listed by name.

Hotel & Caffe Silesia

Zámecké náměstí 1259
Frýdek-Místek 738 01

 +420 558 631 049 +420 720 396 620


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