VIP Suite | Hotel & Caffe Silesia

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 Kolektiv Hotel&Caffe Silesia


You are here: » EN » Rooms » VIP Suite

VIP Suite

Maximally spacious, maisonnette, dainty and elegant suite, desirable for meetings and transactions


  • 2 beds of king-size
  • bathroom with whirlpool bath
  • hair dryer
  • minibar included
  • 2 toilettes
  • bar
  • separated space for sleeping and meetings
  • free Wi-Fi internet access
  • air conditioning

3.200,- CZK /1-2 persons
3.990,- CZK /3-4 persons

Breakfast and minibar included.

The room rate is added local fee 10,- CZK per person per night.
You can ask for a price of room without breakfast.
The prices in Euro according to the present course.


Hotel Silesia - VIP Suite

Hotel Silesia - VIP Suite

Hotel Silesia - VIP Suite

Hotel Silesia - VIP Suite

Hotel Silesia - VIP Suite

Hotel & Caffe Silesia

Zámecké náměstí 1259
Frýdek-Místek 738 01

 +420 558 631 049 +420 720 396 620


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